But first - a very hearty and warm "Happy Mother's Day" to all of my friends who are, or fill in for Moms. May your day be full of love and extra appreciation!
Okay, here goes:
After the Mother's Day gifting was complete and we were at the yummy Italian restaurant having lunch and we were all (save my brother) tucked into our first glass of wine...I did it, I broached the idea to my family that I may be relocating to Los Angeles for a while.
Sure, maybe it was the coward's way out to bring it up mid-glass of red, but hey - I didn't get sprayed w/it nor did she down the remainder in one fell swoop! :)
She's concerned, understandably - given the mistake of 5 years ago, but then again, that guy was a card-carrying a-hole who was really only using my good rental history to get a better place to live w/his kids - he just hadn't told ME. Live and learn. I have scars, but other than not having looked my Boo up (not realizing what a STELLAR fella he is notwithstanding) years earlier - no regrets. Big lessons learned. But she seemed not freaked out by the idea.
She did mention one 'typical mother concern' over her daughter moving in w/a guy so far away...but I waved her off. That's between my Boo and myself to discuss, when we decide.
The Dude has his own place, and is wanting to share it w/me and our four cats (two apiece) for the remainder of his California stint.
I have only ever lived in Houston (as an adult). Going to L.A. for a not-indefinite time will be really neat. We have friends w/in reach a 7-8 hour train/bus trip that costs less round-trip than one way in gas - and would allow for a more "Thin Man" mode of travel...LOL. Which would put us damned close to San Francisco while visiting them. :)
Okay, it's time to waddle off to my good friend's house to catch up on "Treme'" and what the night will allow of "The Borgias" and "Game of Thrones"...those two may have to wait...but then, I am going to New Orleans this coming weekend...maybe just catch up on Treme' and one or the other tonight. This full tummeh is making me very sleepy. :)
Toodles, er, "Ciao!" or whatever they say in LA-LA Land. ;)
Good for you!